Tips For Selling Cannabis Seeds on Seed Canary

Selling Cannabis seeds

Before you start selling your genetics, you will need to understand that it may take some effort getting sales especially if you are new to selling cannabis seeds/clones. Vendors who have been around for years will be recognized by many growers and therefore receive more sales. Whereas someone who is just starting off for example […]

Cannabis Clone Care Guide

Cannabis plants are very sensitive in the early stages of development. Special care is needed to ensure that your cannabis clone(s) grow strong and healthy. Many of the clones available from Vendors on Seed Canary are guaranteed to be pest and disease free, but to ensure you are successful with the plants you choose, here are […]

how long do marijuana seeds last

how long do marijuana seeds last

So, you’ve purchased Cannabis seeds online from Seed Canary and now you’re wondering how long those seeds will actually last before they need to be germinated and planted. This is a common question and concern for many new marijuana growers, whether the seeds are from Seed Canary or have been found elsewhere. How long will […]

TOP 6 – Cannabis Business Social Network Platforms to Use

cannabis business social network platforms

Cannabis Social Media accounts often get shut down or censored, but some new social media companies are specialized just for cannabis Businesses. While many cannabis users & companies use mainstream social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, you might want to check out some of the cannabis business social network platforms mentioned below. […]

How To Make Cannabis Tincture – Step by Step

How To Make Cannabis Tincture

What is a Cannabis Tincture? A cannabis tincture is a type of cannabis extract that is typically alcohol-based. Tinctures have gained popularity among cannabis consumers, since they are a smokeless consumption method which can also be easily prepared at home. Getting Started Before we proceed, It’s important to note down the key ingredients you’ll need […]

How to germinate Marijuana seeds – The Best Way

how to germinate marijuana seeds

Are you wondering how to germinate marijuana seeds? Marijuana seeds, like all seeds, must undergo the germination process before it can grow into a mature plant. Countless cannabis germination guides litter the internet. However, Not all methods work for every grower. That is why we will be covering a tried and true germination method that typically works well for […]

How to ship Clones

How to ship clones - Clone container

Have you ever wondered How to ship Clones? Well in this article we will teach you everything you need to know on How to ship Clones. How to ship Clones Vendors on seed canary may use a variety of different techniques to ship clones to customers. Some methods may include using containers specifically made for […]

Hop latent viroid (HLVD) in Cannabis

HLVD in Cannabis

What is HLVD (hop latent viroid) in Cannabis? That’s the question countless home and commercial growers are asking themselves as of recently. If your crop seems stunted and generally not well preforming it can be due to more than just its nutrient, water, and light levels. A pathogen known as hop latent viroid has been around for […]

THC O – What is THC-O Acetate?


THC-O’s is increasingly being known for its potency and its legal status. Research has found that it’s roughly three times stronger than conventional THC. It has been called “the psychedelic cannabinoid” for its hallucinogenic effects. Because it’s derived from federally legal hemp, THC-O products are becoming increasingly popular in the states where consumers don’t have access to […]

Cannabis Derived Terpenes – Explained

Cannabis Derived Terpenes

What Are Terpenes? One of the significant compounds used in essential oils, terpenes, is most commonly derived from plants, including teas, herbs, and, of course, cannabis. Terpenes can also be found in an animal’s egg yolk, fish scales, and feathers. Cannabis Terpenes created in unique combinations are what give plants their fragrance, taste, and look. […]

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