The benefits & side effects of Delta 8 THC

Delta 8 THC Explained

What is Delta 8 THC? Delta 8 THC is one of the 100+ cannabinoids found in Cannabis. Processors extract and concentrate it since it only exists naturally in small percentages within the Cannabis flower. Like other cannabinoids, it interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system. Despite the difference in the natural quantities of Delta 8 and Delta 9 in Cannabis, when concentrated, they interact […]

why are marijuana seeds expensive?

why are marijuana seeds expensive?

why are marijuana seeds expensive? Before buying Cannabis seeds, please check that the company who is selling the Cannabis seeds is legit. The most important part of buying anything online is to research the company you are buying from. Seed Canary for example, has social media platforms, has a Google Business listing, and we are […]

Marijuana Strain Tolerance, and Medical marijuana patient’s.

Marijuana is being used around the world to treat chronic disorders such as pain, anxiety, depression, inflammatory diseases, and much more.  Well, if you have or know someone who has a chronic disorder, you may also know that these disorders typically do not just go away on their own which makes a lot of medications […]

How To Ship Marijuana Seeds

Disclaimer: Seed Canary LLC does not condone selling OR mailing Marijuana seeds illegally. The Purpose of this article is to inform others on how the process works and to educate those who are legally allowed to sell and ship Cannabis seeds. Selling Marijuana seeds can be a legal grey area in most places. Before you […]


While Cannabis plants typically receive most lighting from directly above, many growers may already be familiar with the feeling of disappointment of having an uneven yield come harvest time. Whereas in an outdoor setting, plants are given the most sunlight from the side during those long spells where the sun sets and rises and treated […]

Cannabis Breeding – Traits to Look for when pheno Hunting Cannabis plants.

Selecting parents for a breeding project can be the ultimate make it or break it when it comes to a strain. For example, lets say our “Example” growers is planting to grow outdoors in Cuba. Cuba has a warmer climate which means that the grower may have issues growing outdoors with certain strains due to […]

The Importance of Landrace Cannabis strains

You may have heard of Landrace Cannabis strains online or talked about in a conversation, but what are they really? Cannabis Landrace is a term used to categorize marijuana strains that are often found in remote places where cannabis plants grow wildly without being planted or disturbed and are what you can consider true wild […]

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